Make your event memorable & book Dr. Seth to speak.

Inspire Your Audience

Dr. Seth Gerlach is your best choice if you are looking for an inspirational, connection-driven speaker for your next event. Dr. Seth is known to move audiences to heart-centered action and leave them feeling educated and empowered in their health journey.

Signature Speaking Topics

Health Freedom

Inspirational Talk

After the mandates of 2020 and on, Dr. Seth has been extremely outspoken about one of the biggest freedoms of all: Health Freedom. If the government can control what goes into your body, they have 100% control over you.

Break Free & Be Healthy

Inspirational Talk

This is an inspirational talk from Dr. Seth where he recounts his story (which is typical of many Americans): toxin-exposed, processed-food full, prescriptions and tests, and still sick. He broke free from conventional medicine and the mainstream media and became his own doctor, and now teaches others to do the same.

The Power Of Detox

Educational Talk

Our generations are exposed to drastically more toxins than any other generation. Toxins interfere with normal body processes and can be a root cause of countless diseases and symptoms.

All Things Gut & Parasites

Educational Talk

The Gut is the center of most health processes in the body, like metabolism, immune function, brain health, skin health, energy, and much more. Unfortunately, many doctors either miss the importance or don’t work with the body to heal the gut correctly. 

  • "Dr. Seth is a prolific, well spoken speaker. He has an uncanny ability to traverse the depths of multiple emotions in a short timefrime, causing the audience to remain focused, connecting with his presentation on a deep level. His depth of knowledge in several areas relating to mind-body-sprit health gives him versatility that is hard to come by."

    Alec Zeck

  • "Dr. Seth is a gift!! He brings the fire of the truth-combined with the joy of humor and hope! He truly exemplifies being a light in the dark..And he brings a message that’s just what this world needs now more than ever."

    Dr. Devin Vrana

In The Press